Sunday Night Youth Group
Sunday night is an exciting time of games, food, and bible study. The Family Life Center is opened at 5:15 pm for students (6-12 grades) to come and enjoy sports and hanging out. We officially get kicked off at 5:30 with a light dinner, followed by high energy games and Biblical teaching that is relevant and applicable to teenagers. Our desire is to see teenagers grow into fully devoted followers of Christ.
Wednesday Night Small Groups
Every Wednesday night at 6pm during the school year, we have small groups for Junior High boys, Junior High girls, Senior High girls and Senior High boys. Small groups are intentionally geared for a more in-depth Bible study built around conversation in a “living room” type environment. This approach allows our students to have deeper discussions about what we are learning, and closer relationships with our incredible adult student leaders. Come out and join us at 5:30 pm for a fast and easy on the budget dinner and then stick around for small groups at 6:00 pm.
Annual Activities

Missions Trip
Every summer we spend a week serving a community outside of Bowling Green that needs hands-on, tangible assistance. These trips bring our youth together for a week of devotionals, teamwork, and relationship-building through service.

Youth Sunday
Our students pray for, plan, and lead every element of our Sunday morning worship service - from greeting to music to sermon to prayers. God moves through our youth in big ways!

Other Events
Our youth enjoy tons of fun at our seasonal events: Loucon retreat, Winter Blitz, lock-in, Rake and Run, Opryland Scavenger Hunt, summer pool party, Jackson Orchard outing, Holiday World trip, Water Wars, Jump-in swim party, and more!